Monday, February 17, 2025

Minister commends Police on Comancheros investigation

Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, has congratulated Police for the outstanding result of their most recent operation targeting the Comancheros Motorcycle Gang.

A huge Police investigation spanning three years has dealt a considerable blow to the illegal operations of the gang in New Zealand, with nearly all its members and associates facing criminal charges.

“That Police have been able to round up the majority of the Comancheros leadership, and many of their patched members and prospects, shows not only the capability of Police, but also shows how serious this government is about taking down gangs,” said Mr Mitchell.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said a total of 137 charges have been laid against the gang’s members and associates. Those charged include 17 ‘office’ holders, 10 patched members and 14 prospects of the gang.

Cash seized during the investigation.

“This investigation represents the single biggest blow to the Comancheros’ operations since Operation Nova,” Commissioner Coster says.

“Police have dealt a blow right to the heart of this gang’s alleged activities, it is an exceptional outcome and shows the dedication of Police investigators over the course of three years.

“I would like to acknowledge our investigators within the National Organised Crime Group, led by Detective Superintendent Greg Williams.”

Minister Mitchell said the result, and the dedication of Police to the long-running investigation sent a clear message to gangs.

“These gangs have used their shiny brand to recruit, while inflicting misery on entire communities, through selling drugs and using violence to intimidate, and they have used the proceeds to support lavish lifestyles.”

“As a Coalition Government, we’re backing our Police with additional powers, and resources to disrupt and police gangs as organised crime groups who plague our communities. This has enabled the establishment of a national gang unit to identify, target, and catch priority offenders, to put a stop to the misery they cause in our communities.   

“There is no doubt that this disruption will have a positive impact across the country, while sending a clear message to other gangs that there is no tolerance for their illegal activities, and with the backing of the Coalition Government, Police are coming after them,” the Minister said.

Police have worked alongside Customs, Corrections and Inland Revenue as part of these investigations.

“From the moment the gang established a presence in this country, they made it very clear they saw themselves as the number one gang in this country,” said Commissioner Coster.

“From the very beginning, there has been a multi-agency effort to continuously target, disrupt and enforce criminal activity that has been taking place.

“This has resulted in significant criminal prosecution cases as well as assets and profits being stripped away from their grasp.”

“This sends a message that there will be an all of government response to the criminal offending, and misery that organised criminal groups continue to plague our communities.”

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