Friday, January 24, 2025

Ministry of Justice annual report tabled

The Ministry of Justice’s 2021/22 Annual Report has been tabled in Parliament.

The Annual Report provides an account of the Ministry’s performance over the financial year ending 30 June 2022, and highlights the achievements and progress made across priority areas outlined in the Ministry’s Strategy and Statement of Intent 2019–24.

“The Ministry reached some major milestones over 2021/22, such as launching Te Au Reka, the Ministry’s new digital case management solution for courts and tribunals, and developing a Victims Framework to ensure that victims remain a focus when carrying out Ministry work,” it said in a statement.

“Despite COVID-19 continuing to cast a heavy shadow, the Ministry kept the courts operational, as an essential service, during the COVID-19 waves.”

By the end of 2021/22 the courts had fewer cases than what they had at the start of the pandemic and the courts were performing better than those of other countries, the Ministry said.

The 2021/22 Annual Report for Te Arawhiti – Office for Māori Crown Relations, is also included in this year’s report. Te Arawhiti support iwi and agencies to deliver commitments and resolve settlement-related issues and played a vital role during COVID-19 supporting whānau, hapū and iwi, the Ministry said.

“Three years on, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to cast a heavy shadow and further exacerbated court delays, which we acknowledge impacted on all court participants, especially victims. The good news is it didn’t define our 2021/22 year,” said Secretary for Justice, Andrew Kibblewhite.

Read the Ministry of Justice Annual Report 2021/2022.

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