Monday, February 17, 2025

MPI restarts feed service for farms

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Federated Farmers have restarted the national Feed Coordination Service to help farmers recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle.

The service is being operated by Federated Farmers, with funding support from MPI to assist farmers to source supplementary feed or grazing.

“Widespread flooding and winds from Cyclone Gabrielle have damaged pastures and crops, or swept away bales of feed,” Federated Farmers chief executive, Terry Copeland said.

“It is a tough time for many farmers, especially those in Northland, Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay, and this is a practical way to provide support.

“The damage and destruction caused by Cyclone Gabrielle comes on the back of what has been a challenging, wet season for parts of the North Island.

“We know there are farmers across the country eager to provide any help they can.

“Having a national Feed Coordination Service has proved valuable in the past, including during the widespread drought in 2020 and the Canterbury floods in 2021, and we encourage farmers to use it.”

MPI said the service is up and running and ready to help.

“The unprecedented scale of these events means there is a need for coordinated support at national level to help match farmers with the supplementary feed or grazing they may need for their livestock,” MPI’s director of rural communities and farming support, Nick Story said.

“MPI has staff in the regions helping with the cyclone response, but this is just another important and practical way we can support farmers to get back on their feet.

“It’s likely the worst flood-affected paddocks will be unusable for some time, so we expect demand for the service will increase further in the coming months.”

The national Feed Coordination Service helps match people with grazing or supplementary feed for sale to those who need it.

The service is also available to farmers in Otago and Southland experiencing extremely dry conditions.

Requests to list or seek grazing or feed can be made online or by phoning 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646).

Feed Coordination Service details:

Phone: 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646)

Or register online:
Grazing needed  
Grazing available  
Feed needed  
Feed available  

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