Thursday, September 12, 2024

Nelson joins students for change programme

Nelson is the latest community to join the Te Hurihanganui kaupapa to drive change and address racism and bias in education, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.

Speaking at today’s community celebration, Kelvin Davis acknowledged the eight iwi in Te Tau Ihu for supporting and leading Te Hurihanganui in Nelson alongside students, whānau and educators.

“The education system hasn’t worked for everyone in New Zealand and one of the biggest reasons for this inequity is systemic racism.  Te Hurihanganui is how we’re learning what works in communities to fix that,” Mr Davis said.

“Nelson will be at the forefront of our work to address racism and inequity in education and improve outcomes for ākonga Māori and their whānau not just here, but across the country.

“Communities are the heart of Te Hurihanganui – iwi, whānau, ākonga, schools and early learning services.  When educators and policymakers work in partnership with communities, we can make change happen on the ground as well as across the education system.”

Budget 2019 included $42 million over three years to put Te Hurihanganui into action across six communities. 

Nelson is the fourth community to join the kaupapa, following Te Puke, Porirua/Tawa and Te Tai Tonga (Eastern Southland).

“This Government is committed to improving the outcomes and experience of ākonga Māori and their whānau,” Minister Davis said.

“Te Hurihanganui will help us achieve change by supporting everybody within the education system to shift their actions and practices, so that collectively we better serve all learners and their whānau.

“There’s never a single solution to building a better education system for our tamariki. None of us have all the answers.  But together we do.”

Iwi and education groups involved in Te Hurihanganui in Nelson:

Ngāti Koata
Ngāti Rārua
Ngāti Toa
Ngāti Kuia
Ngāti Tama
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō
Te Atiawa
Nelson College for Girls
Victory Primary School
Nelson Central School
Nelson Intermediate
Victory Kindergarten
Nelson Central Kindergarten
Y Kids
Te Kōhanga Reo o Waimeha
Nelson South Kindergarten

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