Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New $105m Cambridge water treatment plant blessed

The site of Cambridge’s new $105 million wastewater treatment plant has been formally blessed, with mana whenua representatives and Waipā District Council coming together to mark the occasion.

Led by Iwi representatives from Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, Waikato-Tainui, the blessing began at Maungatautari Marae and concluded at the build site on Cambridge’s Matos Segedin Drive yesterday.

Water services manager, Martin Mould said the blessing was an important and valuable milestone for the project.

“We’ve worked with a Kaitiaki Advisory Group, and community members, to ensure the high expectations of mana whenua, and our community, are met during this project,” he said.

The plant will be built at the existing treatment site and will replace the current 1970s plant. Construction is expected to start before the end of the year.

The new facility will receive, treat and discharge wastewater from Cambridge, Leamington, Hautapu and Karāpiro Domain.

“As Cambridge’s fast-growing population continues to rise, we need to ensure our services are ready to meet the needs of our people,” said Mr Mould.

“The advanced technology at the new plant will ensure that wastewater is treated to the highest possible standards. It’ll cope with the growth of this community and ensure we’re upholding high environmental standards, while ensuring the health of the Waikato River for years to come,” he said.

A mauri stone ceremony along with the planting of three kōwhai trees was held at the new plant site to conclude the day.

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