Sunday, February 9, 2025

New Hauraki Gulf management plan adopted

The Hauraki Gulf Forum has welcomed the adoption of Auckland Council’s new Regional Parks Management Plan (RPMP), which it says will see strengthened collaboration between Auckland’s Regional Parks and the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.

The new RPMP includes several policies that are set to help deliver better outcomes and integrated management ki uta ki tai, from mountains to sea.

The policies call for Auckland Council to:

  • ‘Manage parks that contribute to the coastal area of the Gulf with consideration of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park act 2000 and collaborate with the Hauraki Gulf Forum to support the integrated management of land and sea to improve the health and restore the mauri of the Hauraki Gulf’
  • ‘Manage regional parks adjoining marine areas, particularly marine reserves and proposed or future marine protected areas, in a manner that protects, restores and enhances biodiversity values and ecological connections with the marine areas’
  • ‘Act as an exemplar for sustainable land management to support restoration of marine habitats and improved water quality in receiving environments and to promote best practice’
  • ‘Promote and advocate for a high level of marine protection, particularly in the marine areas adjoining mainland sanctuaries on regional parks at Tāwharanui and Shakespear’. 

“It is fantastic to see that the new RPMP includes clear policies supporting integrated management of land and sea, collaboration with the Hauraki Gulf Forum, improved water quality, and advocacy for marine protection”, says Forum Co-Chair Tangata Whenua, Nicola MacDonald.

“A ki uta ki tai approach will assist in addressing climate change impacts, managing adverse land-based activities, and supporting revegetation and planting through to shellfish bed restoration.”

“Sedimentation run-off from the land is one of the most significant negative impacts on the health of the Gulf,” says Forum Co-Chair, Pippa Coom.

“With more than 20 regional parks either directly facing or draining into the Gulf, they have a key part to play in ensuring a healthy coastline. Their success will be the Gulf’s success, and vice versa,” she said.

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