Sunday, February 9, 2025

New plan for youth leadership

Minister for Youth, Willow-Jean Prime says the voices and leadership of young New Zealanders are key drivers behind a refreshed Youth Plan ‘Voice, Leadership, Action’ which was released today.

“Young New Zealanders have consistently told government they want their voices heard in decisions which impact them and their futures,” Minister Prime said.

“I’m proud the refreshed Youth Plan answers that wero, and demonstrates this Government’s ongoing commitment to all young people.

“We all know how effective and powerful change can be when young people lead it for themselves and their whānau, their schools, businesses, and communities.

“Young people represent 17% of the population and are 100% of our future.”

The Minister said the refreshed Youth Plan aimed to amplify the youth voice in government policy and decision-making and ensure processes are in place for young people to have meaningful input.

It will also increase opportunities for young people to lead their own lives and have their identities seen, valued and respected, she said.

“The refreshed plan has been driven by engagement with young people. Just over 1,400 young people told the Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi what they thought and what they wanted to see in the plan.”

“I want to mihi to the many young people who contributed their whakaaro and expertise that helped craft the Youth Plan.

“It’s particularly special to announce the plan alongside members of the Youth Advisory Group who’ve advocated so strongly for their fellow rangatahi.

“The plan released today is a further example of this Government’s commitment to ensuring Aotearoa New Zealand is the best place in the world for children and young people.”

For more information on the Youth Plan: Voice, Leadership, Action, visit the Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi website here.

The refreshed Plan consists of three inter-linked documents:

Youth Plan Strategic Framework sets out the purpose and long-term strategic aims of the plan.

Youth Plan Rolling Suite of Actions outlines specific actions government, organisations, and communities will take to support the aims of and outcomes of the plan.

Youth Plan Measurement Framework assesses the Youth Plan’s impact and support the development of new actions.

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