Saturday, February 8, 2025

New Port Otago director named

Chris Hopkins has been appointed the new director of Port Otago.

Mr Hopkins is replacing Jane Taylor, following her recent retirement from the position.

Mr Hopkins, well known for his role as the former Chief Executive of Scott Technology and currently on the board of Dunedin City Holdings Ltd, was appointed by Otago Regional Council last week. Port Otago is 100% owned by the ORC, since 1989.

ORC Chair, Andrew Noone welcomed Mr Hopkins to Port Otago’s board, highlighting his extensive experience in numerous management and governance roles, including finance, export and international trade, engineering, audit and risk, regulatory compliance and project contracting.

“We’re fortunate to have someone of Chris’s calibre and experience aboard with Port Otago,” Mr Noone says.

Port Otago is required to have a minimum six directors, to eight maximum, with the company’s constitution requiring a third of directors to stand down by rotation.

Mr Hopkins has resigned his position with DCHL to take up the Port Otago role, starting 1 July.

Port Otago’s Chair Paul Rea says the board is delighted with Chris’s appointment to the governance team.

“His experience and skills are a perfect fit and we look forward to his contribution around the board table.”

Mr Hopkins, who earned a degree Bachelor of Commerce; double major in Accounting and Information Systems at the University of Otago, is also a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand and member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

He has numerous directorships, Chair and governance roles in other private companies.

Jane Taylor was appointed a new director in June 2019, following the retirement of Ed Johnson in December 2018. She was reappointed last December, intending to serve a further term, but following a change of plans she retired from the Board, effective 31 March.

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