Thursday, February 13, 2025

New wharekura for Levin

A new wharekura for Years 1 to 13 will extend Horowhenua Māori medium education into Levin, Education Minister, Chris Hipkins announced today.

“The establishment of Te Pā Wānanga o Tuteremoana will mean up to 250 tamariki and rangatahi can attend a Māori medium school locally, instead of having to travel to Ōtaki,” the Minister said.

“This is a major step forward in the development of our Māori Medium Network, given around 40% of ākonga in the Horowhenua identify as Māori.

“I would like to acknowledge the Muaūpoko whānau roopu for their dedication in seeking the establishment of this designated character school.”

Te Pā Wānanga o Tuteremoana will provide education at primary and secondary levels, embedded with Muaūpokotanga – which embraces language, history, traditions, tikanga, values, beliefs, stories, knowledge and the natural environment.

Consultation over the past year has involved 21 local schools and kura, along with Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa and other sector bodies.

“The next steps are to investigate a site for the new wharekura and appoint an Establishment Board and tumuaki to oversee its development. The kura is set to open in three years’ time,” Minister Hipkins said.

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