Monday, February 17, 2025

NZ Police names new research panel

NZ Police has announced the panel and research team members of a new programme into how Police can ensure it delivers fair policing.

‘Understanding Policing Delivery’ is a research programme focused to identify whether, where, and to what extent, bias exists at a system level in Police’s operating environment.

In March, Police announced it would be partnering with Te Puna Haumaru New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science at the University of Waikato, and criminal justice advocate Tā Kim Workman KNZM QSO for the programme.

Commissioner Andrew Coster said the programme will initially look at three key areas:

• who Police stop and speak to and how we engage with them;
• decision making around when and why use of force is justified;
• decision making around when charges against a person are deemed necessary.

Additional areas of focus will emerge as the programme of work progresses.

“We understand that policing by consent carries significant responsibilities. It is vital our communities and whānau have trust and confidence in the way we deliver our services,” Commissioner Coster said.

“This programme is about understanding the reality of how we are currently serving our communities, and gaining insights that will ensure we deliver on our commitment to our organisational values,  and that our actions are fair and reasonable for all New Zealanders.”

The panel was chosen collaboratively with Panel Chair, Tā Kim Workman and members bring a wealth of knowledge from their chosen fields, diversity of thought, specialist expertise such as tikanga Māori view, and a wide range of experience, including understanding the voice of community.

Tā Kim Workman says “the panel members bring to the table the diversity that is Aotearoa, together with the ability to discuss systemic bias in a constructive and open way. We intend to provide independent and robust advice to the Research Team and the Commissioner, in a way which ensures the best outcomes for both the Police and the community.”

The panel is made up of the following members:

• Tā Kim Workman KNZM QSO, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Rangitāne o Wairarapa: His career spans roles in the Police, the Office of the Ombudsman, State Services Commission, Department of Māori Affairs, and Ministry of Health. Operational head of prisons from 1989 to 1993. Joining with the Salvation Army in 2006, Tā Kim launched the “Rethinking Crime and Punishment” Project, and later formed JustSpeak, a movement that involves young people in criminal justice advocacy and reform.

• Matt Bagshaw: Co-Chair of Rainbow Pride in Auckland and Director of embie people.

• Dr Katie Bruce: Manager of Child Participation at the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.

• Fa’anānā Efeso Collins: Auckland City Councillor and in previous roles has founded youth mentoring programmes.

• Dr Penny Hagen: Director of the Auckland Co-design-Lab, building public sector capability around participatory approaches and design for equity and intergenerational wellbeing.

• Helen Leahy: Pouārahi/CE of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for the South Island, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and trustee on the board of PILLARS (Positive Futures for Children of Prisoners).

• Lady Tureiti Moxon, Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāti Kahungunu, Kāi Tahu: Managing Director of Te Kōhao Health, Chair of the National Urban Māori Authority, trustee of the Hauraki Primary Health Organisation, and sits on the Puhara Panel to the Ombudsman.

• Grant O’Fee MNZM: former New Zealand Police Superintendent, Commissioner of the Tongan Police, and current Te Pae Oranga panel member and mentor for the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring scheme.

• Rahui Papa, Ngāti Korokī-Kahukura, Waikato-Tainui: recognised authority on Waikato reo and tikanga and has served on the Waikato-Tainui Governance Group since its inception. Rahui also plays an integral role in the Iwi Leaders’ Forum.

• Associate Professor Khylee Quince, Ngāpuhi, Te Roroa, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu: Dean of the School of Law at Auckland University of Technology teaching criminal law, youth justice, and Māori legal issues. Khylee is also a member of the Parole Board and current chair of the New Zealand Drug Foundation.

• Distinguished Professor Paul Spoonley FRSNZ: one of New Zealand’s leading academics in social change and demography, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

• Anne Waapu, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Atihaunui-ā-Pāpārangi: Māori researcher and activist focused on the transformation of Aotearoa’s colonial justice system with an interest in constitutional transformation and healing historical and intergenerational trauma.

• Glenn Wilcox: qualified Hearings Commissioner, co-chair of the Affinity Charitable Trust, and has been a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board in Tāmaki Makaurau since its inception in 2010.

The research will be conducted by an independent team led by Professor Devon Polaschek at the University of Waikato who is the Director of Te Puna Haumaru New Zealand Institute of Security and Crime Science.

Professor Polaschek says “We welcome the appointment of the panel and the diverse range of expertise and experience they bring to this complex issue. We look forward to working with them to tackle this challenging and multi-faceted programme of work.  As a research team we will work independently to provide insights that support both the panel and Police with their decision making.”

The members of the research team are:

• Dr Lisa Tompson (pictured): Senior Lecturer in Te Puna Haumaru NZ Institute for Security and Crime Science, University of Waikato who has had a career in the Crime Science field for 15 years. During that time, her work has helped to shape the professionalisation agenda for the UK police, and the infrastructure underpinning this transformation. In particular, she led the research team that systematically assembled the evidence base for the What Works Centre for Crime Reduction.

• Dr Pounamu Jade Aikman, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Awa, Pākehā. An Independent Scholar, whose PhD explored the ongoing experiences of racism, colonisation, and state violence towards Ngāi Tūhoe. He completed his doctorate through the Australian National University in Canberra and is now based in Wellington. He is an Adjunct Research Fellow in Criminology at Victoria University of Wellington.

• Dr Jacinta Cording: Lecturer in forensic psychology at the University of Canterbury whose research focusses on the individual, social, and environmental factors associated with crime-related harm, and how to best reduce this harm.

• Hector Kaiwai, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tūhoe: With a BA/BMus (Conjoint) and a MA (Hons I), he has over 15 years’ experience as a kaupapa Māori researcher and evaluator consultant in the justice, social and health sectors. He has extensive experience in all parts of the research and evaluation process including project management, design, interviewing, data analysis, report writing, and the publication and dissemination of evaluation results.

• Tarsh Edwards, Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa, Ngāti Rangimatamomoe, Ngāti Rua, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaeke, Ngāti Tautahi: Having previously held roles as Principal Facilitator, Cultural Supervisor and Senior Advisor for the Department of Corrections, she is now working in a private practice as Cultural Supervisor, Advisor, Facilitator trainer, Programme research and designer, Programme writer and evaluator.

• Simon Davies: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, the University of Waikato with research experience across the justice sector in New Zealand, including for the Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, and New Zealand Police. He completed his PhD at Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, which looked at the use of risk assessment with men on parole in New Zealand. He is also a registered clinical psychologist and has a law degree.

“I expect over the next two months the panel’s advice regarding the research scope, approaches, and focus will be provided to the research team and a consensus will be reached on next steps,” says Commissioner Coster.

The panel will have its first meeting in June, with terms of reference finalised in July.

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