A series of changes to Dunedin City Council’s planning rules are expected to deliver a welcome boost for new housing in the city.
The Variation 2 Hearing Panel today released decisions on changes to the Dunedin City Second Generation District Plan (2GP), which sets the rules for local development.
The decisions are expected to allow for about 1,900 new dwellings to be added over the next 10 years.
Hearing Panel Independent Chair, Gary Rae says the decisions, which follow extensive public consultation last year, also set new requirements for well-designed subdivisions and stormwater management.
The introduction of new greenfields development zones will be the subject of a separate hearing later this year.
The key changes include:
- removing restrictions on who lives in family flats, and allowing smaller site sizes and providing for duplexes;
- more flexibility for development, improved management of greenfield development sites;
- better provision for social housing and better management of new infrastructure;
- 12 new medium density zones in Mosgiel, Green Island, Concord, Andersons Bay, Wakari, Mornington, Belleknowes, Roslyn, Māori Hill, Kaikorai Valley and Opoho.
New requirements to protect heritage buildings, provide for greenspaces and ensure solid waste can be collected safely have also been added to address submitters’ concerns.
Mr Rae said the panel – also including Councillors Steve Walker and Jim O’Malley – received substantial feedback during the hearing process.
DCC City Development Manager, Anna Johnson says the new rules will enable the city to grow while appropriately managing the effects of growth.
“This will also help provide for our ageing population and growing number of one and two-person households, allow people to downsize and freeing up larger homes for use by larger households, and encourage families and young people to stay in Dunedin,” said Dr Johnson.
Submitters have until Wednesday 13 July 2022 to lodge any appeals.