Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PM’s Oranga Tamariki awards

The achievements of a group of young people who have been in care or involved in the youth justice system have been recognised at the Oranga Tamariki Prime Minister Awards.

Minister for Children, Kelvin Davis said 25 young people were present at the Awards ceremony along with whānau, support people, nominating social workers and caregivers.

The Minister praised those gathered for everything they had achieved despite the challenges and hardships they had faced.

“During my time as a teacher and principal I saw many children facing similar hardships. I have also seen how people can overcome such challenges through sheer determination and some support from whānau and communities,” Mr Davis said.

“The stories that some of the award winners have are truly courageous and I look forward to seeing what they all do next.”

Award winners this year were aged between 15 and 21 years old and come from right across New Zealand.

They each receive scholarships worth $3,000 that can be used for further personal development such as trade training, academic study or sport leadership training.

The scholarships are made possible through donations from corporate sponsors, philanthropic organisations and fundraising.

“This achievement is not only a celebration of the Award winners but also all the people who have helped and supported them on their journey,” Minister Davis said.

“I’m sure everyone involved will have enjoyed seeing this success recognised and I hope the opportunity for the winners to meet our Prime Minister will be an experience they will always remember.”

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