Sunday, September 8, 2024

Police checkpoints to be bolstered

More than 60 additional Police officers from around the country will be deployed to assist their Tāmaki Makaurau colleagues at checkpoints on the region’s boundary.

Commissioner Andrew Coster said the boost in support would ensure Police had sufficient resources to service regular operational demands and maintain a strong focus on Alert Level 4 compliance in Tāmaki Makaurau.

It also means staff currently working on checkpoints get a well-earned break, the Commissioner said.

“This support will be brought in later this week from around the country and will consist of 34 staff who have volunteered for the deployment duty. These staff will be rotated out for an additional 34 staff at the completion of a set of shifts,” Commissioner Coster said.

He said staff would be working and accommodated in the Waikato region, under Alert level 2, and wouldn’t be required to cross into the Alert level 4 region.

“We want to acknowledge our hard working staff who are currently operating our checkpoints in what can, at times, be unforgiving weather conditions.”

“They are doing a fantastic job helping to keep our community safe and helping prevent the spread of Covid19 to other parts of the country,” the Commissioner said.

Police are continuing to operate 10 checkpoints around Auckland’s northern and southern boundaries with the rest of the country having moved to Alert Level 2 from midnight.

Tāmaki Makaurau remains at Alert Level 4 and travel across an alert level boundary is restricted.

The Commissioner said the change in alert level settings had not seen a significant increase in traffic volumes and compliance with the restrictions on travel through the border had been good.

“There has been a few motorists who have attempted to travel through the checkpoints from Alert Level 2 regions who were turned around as they weren’t aware that travel restrictions remained,” he said.

“We want to remind motorists that transiting through an alert level 4 boundary will only be allowed for permitted personal or work reasons.

“The details of these permitted reasons are listed on the covd19 website and motorists should carry the relevant evidence that you are permitted to cross the boundary.

“If your reason for personal travel is not listed in the permitted travel requirements listed, you will need to apply for an exemption from the Ministry of Health’s website.”

He said police would continue to question motorists travelling in and out of these checkpoints.

“And they will be turned around if they don’t supply the relevant evidence for permitted travel or an exemption notice.”

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