Puhikura, New Zealand Police’s new recruitment campaign designed to attract wāhine Māori, was launched last night on Te Marae, Te Papa.
Commissioner of Police Andrew Coster says wāhine Māori are the most under-represented demographic in Police and the new campaign is aiming to change that.
“Māori must be fully represented within our organisation to ensure we represent and serve our whole community,” the Commissioner said.
“New Zealand Police acknowledges the need for more wāhine Māori to join – because of the unique skills and understanding they can bring to keeping their communities safe

“I am proud to launch Puhikura, which has had the input and support of my Māori Focus Forum and which embraces a Te Ao Māori approach of story-telling.”
Made by wāhine Māori for wāhine Māori, the candid documentary series at the centre of the campaign champions the power of stories as taonga. The five wāhine featured in the series reflect on what calls them forward and holds them back as they consider a career with Police.
Since 2017, NZ Police has been actively recruiting a more diverse workforce to ensure that every ethnicity in New Zealand is fairly represented, the Commissioner said.

Recruitment of Māori has improved overall, with a 30% increase in constabulary who are Māori, and 60% increase of wāhine Māori. However, wāhine Māori still comprise only 3.6% of the police, despite making up 8.4% of NZ population.
The name Puhikura was gifted by Rahui Papa of Waikato Tainui, a member of the Commissioner’s Māori Focus Forum.
“The name Puhikura means a woman of renown, mana wāhine, a settler of peace, a beacon of unity. It also refers to a prized taonga, which is fitting for these stories,” said Rahui.

“Puhikura is absolutely appropriate to encourage the participation of maareikura (chiefly women) into the NZ Police.”
Immediate Past president of the Māori Women’s Welfare League, Prue Kapua says, “We are able to work with the New Zealand Police and have input to achieve the solutions that we want to see for our wāhine and their whānau… league members are embedded in the communities so we know our communities, we can work with our people.”
To view the documentary series: VIMEO LINK