Monday, February 17, 2025

Queenstown tunes in to tech company tender

Technology companies that create solutions for tourism and hospitality industries are set to get a boost in Queenstown Lakes. 

Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) Economic Development Unit is advertising a tender to develop a hospitality/tourism technology cluster in the district. 

Cluster development involves similar businesses working together to identify opportunities to collaborate. 

QLDC Economic Development Manager, Peter Harris said a hospitality/tourism tech cluster will support technology businesses, help diversify the economy, and potentially boost the productivity of the tourism and hospitality industry.

The tender involves working with existing businesses to find common problems or opportunities and then explore how these could be tackled collaboratively. 

“This approach to economic development is about businesses joining forces rather than all individually trying to overcome the same issues,” Mr Harris said.

“It aims to turn businesses who might see themselves as competitors into collaborators. Over time, cluster development can help existing businesses grow.” 

He said a successful cluster also helps build an international reputation for a specific location and a specific product, such as super-cars in Italy.

“The tourism/hospitality tech niche was selected for support because it builds on successful businesses already in the district, and it taps into the expertise within the dominant industry in the area.”

“Businesses within the district have already shown interest in collaboration. There are large tourism operators in the district who have indicated that they would be supportive of a stronger cluster of tech businesses focused on solving their challenges,” Mr Harris said. 

CEO of Chomp Food Safety App, Paul Wilson has been working alongside tech companies First Table and Loaded Reports.

Mr Wilson said he was keen to see a cluster approach taken in the district. 

“We’re keen to see what we can achieve collectively. We have already done some promotion together and having someone to help us find other common ground will open up other exciting opportunities,” Mr Wilson said.

The tender is for a 12-month contract.

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