Minister of Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni has announced the co-chair appointments for the permanent Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLG).
“The RSLGs will become a key part of how the Government addresses future skills and workforce needs in our regions,” Minister Sepuloni (pictured) said.
“The groups will focus on planning and addressing labour market issues in our regions, and once they are fully up and running will become a valuable resource for Government as we seek to accelerate our recovery from COVID-19.
“The RSLGs will identify what change is needed from regional and national stakeholders in order to achieve a high-skill regional labour market.
“Appointing the co-chairs is the first step in establishing permanent RSLGs and developing Regional Workforce Plans. These plans will explore the labour supply and demand trends for each region allowing us to better plan for, and address, future skills shortages.
“Each RSLG has two co-chairs, one nominated through an Expressions of Interest process and the other who was selected in consultation with regional iwi and Māori. Chairs will be appointed for up to three years,” she said.
Functioning independently, the groups are locally based and regionally enabled, and supported by a team of data analysts, advisors and workforce specialists at the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Members of the interim and permanent RSLGs include regional industry leaders, economic development agencies, iwi/Māori, worker, community and government representatives, who contribute their knowledge and local expertise.
These are the regions and Co-Chairs:

- Tai Tokerau: Toa Faneva (and TBC)
- Tāmaki Makaurau: Robert Reid and Awerangi Tamihere
- Waikato: Brendon Green and Keith Ikin
- Bay of Plenty: Dr Chris Tooley (and TBC)
- Tairāwhiti: Gavin Murphy and Apryll Parata (current CARE Forum co-chairs)
- Hawke’s Bay: Erin Simpson and Tania Eden
- Taranaki: Charlotte Littlewood and Dr Will Edwards
- Manawatū–Whanganui: Katarina Hina and Oriana Paewai
- Wellington: Glenn Barclay and Daphne Luke
- Marlborough: Ali Boswijk and Justin Carter
- Nelson-Tasman: Jennifer Moxon and Cory Hebberd
- West Coast: Graeme Neylon and Lisa Tumahai
- Canterbury: Karena Brown and Liz Brown
- Otago: Laura Black and Karen Coutts (pictured, right)
- Southland Murihiku: Paul Marshall and Tracey Wright-Tawha
“The process for standing up interim RSLGs was fast-tracked as a result of COVID-19 to support the recovery of labour markets. We will now build on the great work of the interim groups over the past 12 months,” the Minister said.
“I would like to thank all of the co-chairs for taking up their appointments. We’ve got a fantastic group with a great range of skills and leadership within each region. I am confident that this group can help us achieve our goals as we make the move from interim to permanent groups.”
More information on RSLGs can be found here