This week (6 – 12 November 2023) Medsafe is taking part in the global #MedSafetyWeek campaign, a collaboration involving more than 80 medicines regulatory agencies and other organisations with an interest in medicine safety.
The theme of #MedSafetyWeek this year is ‘Who can report?’. The goal is to encourage everyone to report suspected side effects from medicines. Whether you’re a patient, medicine user, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other healthcare professional, you can play your part to help make medicines safer.
“Reports from everyone, not just healthcare professionals, play a key role in helping Medsafe learn more about the risks of medicines. If you, or someone you know, experiences a side effect with a medicine, share your experience and report it”, says Group Manager of Medsafe, Chris James.
Side effects can happen anywhere and at any time. They can be unexpected. Medsafe has systems in place to monitor safety after medicines are placed on the market. Reporting suspected side effects is an important component of safety monitoring. Medsafe works with the Centre for Adverse Reactions (CARM) to collect suspected side effect reports in New Zealand, and can act when necessary to improve medicine safety.
“By sharing your experience of a side effect, you are improving medicines safety for everyone. You don’t even need to be certain that the medicine caused the side effect. If you are suspicious, report it,” says Mr James.
In some cases, it can result in updated prescribing information, which can improve safe use of the medicine.
Visit the Medsafe Safety Communication page to see examples of how Medsafe takes action.
Anyone can report suspected side effects. You can submit a report online via the CARM Adverse Reactions reporting form.