Monday, February 10, 2025

Reserve Bank chair reappointed

Professor Neil Quigley has been reappointed as Chair of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Board for a further term of two years, until 30 June 2026.

Finance Minister, Nicola Willis said Professor Quigley had played a key role in establishing the new Board after the commencement of the new RBNZ Act on 1 July 2022.

“I am pleased he is continuing in the role. Professor Quigley’s reappointment retains his leadership and experience in central banking and monetary policy, and ensures the Board is well positioned to take on new members,” said Ms Willis.

“There are two current vacancies to be filled when suitable candidates have been identified. There will also be further opportunities to consider a broader refresh of the Board with two terms due to end in June 2025.”

Professor Quigley is Vice-Chancellor of the University of Waikato and has also served as a director of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. He has previously held positions at Victoria University of Wellington, including Professor of Economics, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Provost, and at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where he was Professor of Economics.

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