Sunday, February 9, 2025

Rotorua wins top tap water test

Rotorua has the best tasting tap water in the country according to the judges of this year’s IXOM National Water Taste Test, run by the Water Industry Operations Group NZ.

The competition which had 20 entries this year, compares the taste, odour and appearance of water samples submitted by water authorities around New Zealand.

“Our CCO InfraCore entered the awards, which were presented last night at WIOGNZ’s national conference. Rotorua was a finalist with Matamata Piako, Central Hawkes Bay and Kapiti Coast,” Rotorua Lakes Council said in a statement.

The NZ winners go on to challenge winners from Australia with a second award up for grabs.

InfraCore is contracted by Rotorua Lakes Council to provide some services required to deliver safe, clean drinking water to the community.

“We have 10 municipal water supplies in our district that provide fresh water to our homes and businesses, all compliant with national drinking water standards and most coming from springs and bores,” the Council said.

The sample submitted by InfraCore for the water taste awards came from the Central supply that serves a population of approx. 42,500. The source of this water is the Karamu Takina Springs.

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