Monday, February 17, 2025

Saliva testing for frontline workers

More than 1400 border staff can look forward to less invasive testing for COVID-19, with an expansion of saliva testing at key frontline facilities, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.

“This is an important next step in our mandatory testing of frontline border workers,” Mr Hipkins said.

“Saliva testing will complement the nasopharyngeal swab, which remains the gold standard for testing and which has played a key role in keeping New Zealand safe.

“Extensive due diligence has been completed and we are now satisfied that a combination of the two tests, along with frontline managed isolation workers being very close to being fully vaccinated, will continue to provide the assurances we need at the border while reducing the level of discomfort among frontline staff.” 

He said today’s announcement meant that workers who are tested weekly due to their frontline role, could now have saliva swabbing incorporated as part of that mandatory regime.

“As part of a phased roll-out beginning in June, these workers can choose to be part of a regime of multiple saliva tests, and a single nasopharyngeal swab each fortnight,” Mr Hipkins said.

“We’re satisfied we’re starting the introduction of saliva testing at the right time but will move with caution to ensure compliance with the Border Workforce Testing Register.

“Compliance with the regime will be monitored via the Register and following the roll-out to the weekly groups, we’ll assess how the saliva testing programme is progressing.

“Border workers do tell us about a level of discomfort when they have to have a nasopharyngeal swab once a week.”

“And, with the border workforce now being vaccinated, they feel more protected and less likely to get infected — but are also less likely to be symptomatic if they do.

“The addition of more frequent saliva testing is designed to address this. Expert advice is that will work well in detecting any cases in border workers when it’s carried out at an increased frequency and appropriately complemented by nasopharyngeal swabs.”

Mr Hipkins said a phased roll-out would take place, with higher risk workers who are tested weekly to be prioritised.

“These workers can choose their testing regime to consist of a nasopharyngeal swab once every 14 days, instead of weekly. Saliva samples will be taken every two to three days in between nasopharyngeal swabs. This increased frequency will improve our surveillance,” he said.

“They also choose to maintain the weekly nasopharyngeal swab if they wish.

“Officials are working through what is needed to deliver this roll-out, including the necessary system changes, reporting and assurance activities and how to support both workers and employers to understand what the changes mean for them.

“As with all COVID-19 testing, processing will be carried out by appropriately accredited New Zealand laboratories.

“From the beginning, testing has been an essential part of our elimination strategy and the key starting point for identifying and containing the spread of COVID-19.

“Thank you to frontline workers and all New Zealanders who take COVID-19 tests. This really does help to keep New Zealand safe,” the Minister said.

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