Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Skinks fly home to Hokitika

One hundred special skinks now have a safe new home with the establishment of the Department of Conservationā€™s (DOC) predator freeĀ Kapitia Scientific Reserve near Hokitika.

The Kapitia skinks, found only in a one-kilometre coastal strip near Hokitika, were badly impacted by Cyclone Fehi in 2018, with 50 skinks taken in by Auckland Zoo at the time.Ā 

DOC Hokitika Operations Manager, Owen Kilgour says 42 skinks travelled back this week aboard an Air New Zealand flight from their temporary home at Auckland Zoo.

ā€œCyclone Fehi devastated 40% of their habitat in 2018 and itā€™s likely many skinks were displaced or killed. We had to ensure the species survived and asked Auckland Zoo for help. They took 50 skinks at short notice and have done an amazing job of caring for them, as well as breeding 15 additional animals from them.”

ā€œAltogether there are fewer than 300 Kapitia skinks remaining in the wild.  As well as threats to their habitat from storm damage, theyā€™re vulnerable to predators such as mice, which attack them if they are too cold to move and eat them alive.

ā€œWe knew after Cyclone Fehi that weā€™d have to establish a safe home for the skinks if they were to survive and we now have that in the Kapitia Scientific Reserve,” he said.

The reserve is a 1.3-hectare piece of land within the range of the Kapitia skinks.Ā There is a 1.8 m high predator proof fence around it and the adjacent small piece of road reserve. The reserve was declared predator free in late October.Ā 

ā€œOver the past few days DOC staff have gathered about another 60 Kapitia skinks from the wild to add to those from Auckland Zoo,ā€ Mr Kilgour says.

ā€œItā€™s very exciting to see the reserve. We want to thank all those whoā€™ve contributed to this achievement.

ā€œMy colleague Shane Hall, whoā€™s the Greymouth Operations Manager, first spotted the skinks in 1992 on land he owned at the time.  He realised they were different from other skinks and really started this process.

ā€œDOCā€™s lizard technical advisory group has been a huge support for this project from the start and Iā€™m really grateful for the dedication of our Hokitika staff.

ā€œAuckland Zoo has also done a fantastic job.ā€

The Zooā€™s ectotherms specialists say itā€™s been a privilege to be able to care for, and successfully breed, this rare taonga, as part of a team effort to help ensure the speciesā€™ future.

The skinks have a salmon-coloured prehensile tail which they use to grip objects and help them climb. Researchers think theyĀ were adapted to climbing trees.

ā€œIt was with great excitement our ectotherms team packed up 42 of the skinks for their journey south for release into the new Kapitia Scientific Reserve,ā€ says Auckland Zooā€™s Head of Animal Care & Conservation and herpetologist, Richard Gibson.

ā€œAs a conservation science organisation, utilising our intensive management skills to benefit wildlife like this is what we all live for. Here at the Zoo, weā€™re still caring for three juveniles (too young to be released yet), as well as 20 gravid females, who with their offspring will in time also be released to further boost the Kapitia skink population.ā€  

Mr Kilgour paid tribute to the specialist fencers who worked at the reserve under some wet and trying conditions. This included wrangling 3.6 m-long poles and heavy mesh in mud and rain.

ā€œWe want to acknowledge Ngāti Waewae and local landowners too for their support of this project and Westland District Council, which allowed the road reserve to be used,ā€ he says.

The skinks travelled with Air New Zealand from Auckland to Hokitika via Christchurch on Wednesday.

Air New Zealand is DOC’s National Partner for Conservation and has supported DOC to fly over 4,000 native animals and conservation dogs since 2012.

Kapitia skinks were formerly known as Chesterfield skinks, referring to the locality in which they were found. Māori know the area as Kapitia and in November 2020 the skinks were named the Kapitia skink.

The official opening of the reserve was scheduled for tomorrow but has been postponed due to a severe weather watch for Westland.

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