Thursday, November 14, 2024

Smart building facility opens in Gisborne

The Toitū Builtsmart Facility in Te Tairāwhiti Gisborne has been officially opened.

The facility has six smart shelters, which will have the capacity to build up to 24 affordable homes at once.

“Today’s site opening shows how by working together we can overcome challenges to deliver for whānau in our communities,” said Associate Minister for Housing, Peeni Henare, who attended the opening of the facility.

Minister for Economic and Regional Development, Stuart Nash said the facility will build much-needed homes for Tairāwhiti and create jobs and training opportunities for future generations.

“It is a real investment in the economic future and wellbeing of the region,” he said.

Toitū Tairāwhiti secured up to $4 million in funding from Kānoa Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit (RDU)’s Regional Strategic Partnership Fund to assist with the construction of the site. Toitū Tairāwhiti also co-funded the remaining $4 million to bring the project to life.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, Toitū Tairāwhiti recognised ongoing supply chain issues could hinder their housing delivery targets. Toitū Tairāwhiti decided to enter a joint venture with Builtsmart to establish Toitū Tairāwhiti Builtsmart facility in Tūranga,” Mr Henare said.

“In Te Tairāwhiti region, 24 houses have already been completed, and opening this new facility will enable those numbers to grow.

“The Government is committed to the vision that all whānau have safe, healthy, affordable homes with secure tenure across the whole housing continuum,” he said.

“Building healthy and affordable homes while making our regions stronger and more resilient is a priority for our government. Today’s opening of Toitū Builtsmart proves that when we work in partnership, we can bring about real benefits to the regions and communities,” Minister Nash said.

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