Sunday, February 16, 2025

South Wairarapa council to turn off Greytown wastewater

South Wairarapa District Council will pause new wastewater connections in Greytown following a recent technical assessment by Wellington Water Limited (WWL) of the local wastewater treatment plant.

WWL recommended an immediate stop to the approval new connection applications to the public wastewater network in Greytown, until treatment plant capacity is planned for and funded. 

South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) has taken this recommendation on board and will stop new connections in Greytown, with the exception of: 

  • residential and developer consents and permits that have already been approved – these will be honoured;
  • residential and developer consents and permits that are still in the process of being approved – these will be honoured;
  • applications from existing landowners of urban sections who are yet to apply for a single residential connection to the wastewater system will be considered.

The wastewater treatment plant is not under an abatement notice however Council believes it is necessary to take this step to help mitigate the risk of adverse impacts on the environment, it said in a statement.

The technical assessment by WWL was initiated after the review of a pre-application assessment for an application of a potential 200 lot development planned for Greytown.

A development of this size would increase Greytown’s population by 10-15%. The assessment and specialist advice from WWL considered the wastewater system constraints, risks and opportunities to enable new development connections to support growth in Greytown, the Council said.

It says the Greytown wastewater treatment plant currently does not have the capacity to support a development of this size. Population growth in Greytown is moderate but ongoing, and future demand models predict further strain on the water network.   

“We are balancing advice from Wellington Water to protect plant capacity and honouring current applications to connect to Greytown’s network. New connections will be paused only for as long as necessary, there are already a number of initiatives in play that are addressing capacity constraints in Greytown,” said Council Chief Executive, Janice Smith.

The Council says there are several initiatives underway that are working towards addressing capacity at the wastewater treatment plant.

This includes a wastewater network capacity study for Greytown which will provide information required to plan and design options for upgraded or new infrastructure, this has been urgently prioritised and will be completed this year.  

Planning for the desludging of the plant is also underway with phase one scheduled for the current 2024-25 financial year, and the remainder of the work to be completed next year. Following the capacity study, an understanding of the capital investment required will support decisions and priorities during our 2025-34 Long-Term Planning process.  

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