Monday, February 10, 2025

Support builds for Māori homelessness

Associate Minister of Housing (Homelessness), Marama Davidson has announced a significant funding boost today for kaupapa Māori approaches that support whānau into housing.

The Minister said $24.7 million will be allocated to support the delivery of He Ara Hiki Mauri – a tangata whenua-led response to homelessness.

“Homelessness is not inevitable. By working collectively and providing space for by Māori for Māori solutions, we can help put an end to homelessness together. He Ara Hiki Mauri will provide a korowai of support to uplift those whānau who need it most,” Ms Davidson said.

“He Ara Hiki Mauri will support Māori whānau who do not currently have a house to live in, as well as individuals with complex needs. This might include chronic health issues, mental health needs including addictions, or whānau on low incomes who are moving in and out of homelessness.”

She said He Ara Hiki Mauri will also connect with those whānau who might be living in overcrowded or otherwise inadequate housing conditions, as well as those who haven’t engaged with other services.

“One of the guiding principles of He Ara Hiki Mauri is Mana Motuhake, which is about recognising the strength and ability of all whānau to steer their own course. As a guiding kawa, this will ensure He Ara Hiki Mauri provides the right kind of support for each person, in a way that is whānau-led and focused on strengthening wellbeing, healing and care.”

“The delivery of He Ara Hiki Mauri will be lead by an experienced group of tangata whenua organisations. Arohanui ki te Tangata is a tangata whenua collective who currently deliver housing support services services to whānau Māori and they’ll be supported by Te Matapihi (national peak body for Māori housing).

“The investment I am announcing today will enable Arohanui ki te Tangata to bring their matauranga Māori, housing experience and iwi and regional connections to deliver support that will be transformational and life-changing for whānau and communities,” said Minister Davidson.

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