Thursday, February 6, 2025

Supporting better futures for rangatahi

Three programmes supporting rangatahi who need help overcoming barriers to employment, education and training are receiving a $2.65 million funding boost, announced Minister for Social Development and Employment, Carmel Sepuloni today.

“We know that rangatahi can face significant barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their potential. This funding will help up to 165 young people in Wellington, Porirua and Christchurch gain the skills needed to sustain long-term employment, education or training, making a positive difference for their futures,” said Minister Sepuloni.

“Today’s He Poutama Rangatahi investment will support three work readiness programme providers to build the skills and experiences of young people who are most at-risk of long-term unemployment.”

Building on the success of previous He Poutama Rangatahi investments in regional New Zealand, the Government has committed further funding in Budget 2020 to support more rangatahi programmes and extend funding to urban areas such as West and South Auckland, Hamilton, Porirua and Christchurch.

“Rangatahi graduating from these programmes will emerge with more interpersonal skills, strengthened resilience, improved health and wellbeing practices and a better sense of their cultural identity. They will also gain practical work readiness skills ranging from driver licensing and forklift operation to first aid qualifications and food cultivation experience,” said Ms Sepuloni.

“Participants and their whānau will benefit from these programmes, which help increase social participation, financial wellbeing and employment skills. The communities these programmes work with will be supported to grow more resilient, healthy and engaged young people.”

The programmes receiving funding are:

  • Bros For Change Charitable Trust will use just over $1.55 million of funding to provide a 16-week leadership wānanga to 60 rangatahi over three years. The programme is underpinned by extensive pastoral care and Māori principles such as te reo (language learning), kapa haka and performing arts, hauora (health and wellbeing), maara kai and mahinga kai (food cultivation and gardening), and regular meetings with participants’ whānau.
  • An $800,000 investment will enable Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated to provide a targeted pre-employment training programme and sustained pastoral care to 60 rangatahi over two years. Participants in this programme will be supported with one-on-one pastoral care and mentoring, and will have an individual ‘Mauri Ora’ plan which sets out a series of personal goals and aspirations.
  • Talent Rise Foundation (NZ) will use just over $296,000 of funding to provide 45 young people over two years with extensive pastoral support and a work readiness programme, which includes topics such as health and wellbeing, financial literacy, dress assistance, CV and interview mentoring, online behaviour, time management and workplace communication. 

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