Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Survey finds assault reporting on the rise

Recent data shows that people are increasingly likely to report instances of assault in New Zealand.

The reporting of interpersonal crimes like assault, robbery, harassment, and threatening behaviour has increased to 30% from 25% two years ago, according to the Ministry of Justice annual Crime and Victim Survey.

However, according to the same survey, the total amount of crime being committed has stayed the same.

NZ Police says the reporting of an additional 5% of all interpersonal crime translates to a 20% increase in the crime reported and visible to Police.

Assistant Commissioner Bruce O’Brien says the rise shows people feel more confident in reporting incidents where they have been victimised.

“We continue to encourage people to report crime to police so we have the best opportunity to prevent further harm,” he said.

According to the New Zealand Crime and Victim Survey, the most common reasons for not reporting interpersonal violence, sexual assault, and physical offence incidents were shame, embarrassment, further humiliation, and potential fear of reprisals that would make matters worse.

“We have the best opportunity to support the victim and their family in addressing the harm they have suffered, if it’s reported to us as early as possible,” Assistant Commissioner O’Brien said.

“Some people don’t see any point in reporting crimes they don’t think will be solved, we need people to feel confident that police will take their complaints seriously and provide the range of support services that are required.”

Most-recent data form the NZCVS indicates that only 25% of all crime goes reported to Police.

Motor vehicle crime had the highest likelihood of being reported at 89%, while cybercrime and sexual assault were the least-likely at 8% and 6% respectively.

Reporting crimes has also been made easier through new channels such as 105. The multi-agency work through Integrated Safety Response and Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke programmes has also enabled Police’s partner agencies to report family harm violence that would not be recorded by traditional reporting channels.

Police data showing reported crimes:

Calendar YearOct – Dec 2017201820192020Jan – May 2021
Serious Assault Resulting in Injury30071338018600213939183
Serious Assault Not Resulting in Injury347312119170192135310149
Common Assault68812415119049190848720
Fiscal YearOct 2017 – Jun2018YE June 2019YE June 2020Jul 2020 – May 2021
Serious Assault Resulting in Injury8969158502058720157
Serious Assault Not Resulting in Injury9843132541969221324
Common Assault19005216881829218900

CVS data showing total crime:

Incidents: Total number of offences
NZCVS cycleCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Assaults and Robberies234000218000233000
Sexual Assault167000180000158000
Harrassment and Threatening Behaviour282000228000255000

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