The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey shows business confidence remains high and indicates the economy is on track to improve, says Economic Growth Minister, Nicola Willis.
The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 in January, while expected own activity eased four points to +46.
ANZ summarises the business confidence change between months as “easing, but still extremely high”.
“This is another sign that the business outlook is on the right track. I’m pleased to see businesses feel more confident about the economy,” said Minister Willis.
“I know New Zealanders have been doing it tough. Many have suffered through a high cost of living and sky-high interest rates.”
The survey result, along with NZIER’s this month, shows things are set to get better, said the Finance Minister.
“New Zealanders are impatient for that change, and so am I. That’s why I am focused on driving economic growth to go further and faster.”
“We’ve already had positive progress with inflation under control and interest rates finally coming down. The fact that firms expect an increase in their own activity is a sign of future economic growth.
“Economic growth means more and better-paying jobs for Kiwis and creates community wealth, bringing in the revenue we need to pay for the world-class infrastructure, health and education services New Zealanders deserve. That is where we are heading,” she said.