Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited tells its sustainability story

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited has released an overview of the organisation’s actions and activities around climate change and sustainability for the 2022/23 financial year.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited says Our Sustainability Story is an annual report demonstrating its commitment to environmental sustainability, building climate change resilience internally while taking a leadership role across its external activities.

Chief Executive, Nick Hill says the organisation proudly takes a holistic approach to climate change and sustainability, focusing on internal and external projects that consider not just environmental, but also the social and economic outcomes of its activities.

“The stories captured in Our Sustainability Story demonstrate Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s commitment to mitigating and adapting to climate change through measures such as responding to and reporting on organisational climate risk, reducing waste and environmental stewardship,” he says.

“Alongside this, the report showcases how we work to support communities and businesses through our experiences and events, investment and innovation, and facilities – ultimately enriching economic and cultural life across the region.”

From the field work activities of Auckland Zoo kaimahi (staff) conserving wildlife in the wild to a $37.5 million expansion at Auckland Film Studios incorporating sustainable design, Mr Hill says Our Sustainability Story illustrates not only the diversity of Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s programmes, events, facilities and venues but also its commitment to tackling climate change and focusing on sustainability through challenging times.

“Through a changing economic environment, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited remains dedicated to supporting Auckland to be a thriving, vibrant and sustainable region. Our Sustainability Story is an important acknowledgement and celebration of the successful delivery of innovative projects and programmes that help ensure a more sustainable future for Tāmaki Makaurau and its people.”

Some Tātaki Auckland Unlimited climate change and sustainability achievements across its programmes, events, facilities and venues in the FY2022/23 financial year include:

  • gaining Toitū carbonreduce certification for Tātaki Auckland Unlimited for three years running and Toitū net carbonzero certification for Auckland Zoo for the seventh year running
  • developing adaptation plans for three venues – New Zealand Maritime Museum, Auckland Zoo and Aotea Precinct
  • developing the organisation’s first Waste Minimisation and Management Guidelines, achieving waste diversion of 89 per cent at Auckland Diwali Festival, 74 per cent at Pasifika Festival and 75 per cent at Auckland Zoo
  • holding climate action workshops to support Auckland’s arts, culture, sport and recreation sectors on their sustainability journey
  • delivering the Taurikura Initiative, a capability building programme designed to support visitor economy businesses to accelerate their sustainability journey
  • rearing eight critically endangered New Zealand Fairy Tern tara iti chicks at Auckland Zoo
  • continuing to deliver Climate Connect Aotearoa – the region’s climate innovation hub – including development of He Kete Mātauranga, a new knowledge space dedicated to embedding te ao Māori within climate discussions
  • delivering Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s turning point research to understand the cost of climate inaction against decisive action for the region
  • supporting a thriving Auckland tech industry through Tech Tāmaki Makaurau, a three-year programme of action to grow the tech sector, create jobs and attract investment to the region
  • upskilling 2049 Pacific workers for the future of work though Project Ikuna.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited Head of Climate Innovation and Sustainability, Parin Rafiei-Thompson says the extreme weather events of early 2023 that caused widespread flooding and devastating impacts across the region, highlight the need for organisations to take a proactive approach to the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change.

“Several Tātaki Auckland Unlimited facilities and venues experienced varying levels of damage because of the storms, confirming the importance of an action-oriented approach to building resilience to the physical impacts of climate change,” she says.

“To help achieve this, we’ve developed a soon to be released Climate Change and Environment Strategic Plan that is grounded in a holistic framework. Initially, we’ll focus on an environment pillar – encompassing climate resilience, emissions reduction, waste and water – alongside the social pillar of empowered organisation, to enable and embed climate change and sustainability practices.”

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited continues to lead and implement the economy priority of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan – the region’s long-term approach to climate action – and is focused on the need for it to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

“Reaching net zero will require commitment from Auckland’s sectors, businesses and people, requiring difficult decisions and trade-offs. Equally, it presents an opportunity to create a resilient economy that ensures the wellbeing of our people and the planet,” says Ms Rafiei-Thompson.

Read Our Sustainability Story.

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