Saturday, July 27, 2024

Technical hitch derails new GoBay schedule

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s GoBay website has experienced a technical hitch today, meaning the bus fleet’s revised schedule isn’t online as planned.

Council Transport Manager, Mark Allen says the team are working on a resolution as a priority.

“We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience GoBay passengers may have experienced through this issue,” said Mr Allen.

“We’ve been working incredibly hard on the reinstatement of these services alongside a revised bus timetable. Usually, it would take us up to three weeks to effectively communicate schedule changes across all our touchpoints.

“Due to community demand with with the Redclyffe Bridge reopening, we very ambitiously tried to push this through in about five working days from confirmation of a new schedule from GoBay.”

Mr Allan said a short-term fix – a PDF of the revised schedule – can be found at

The website tables are under construction and will be back up and running later this week, he said.

“The transport team will also be working through distribution of hard copy schedules on buses, bus stops and other key placements.”

Hard copy bus timetables can be collected from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council offices in Dalton Street, Napier.

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