Monday, September 9, 2024

Trans-Tasman bubble remains paused for WA

Quarantine-free travel between Western Australia and New Zealand remains paused after Perth and the outer-metropolitan area of Peel were placed into a three-day COVID-19 lockdown at midnight on Saturday.

“New Zealanders in Australia are asked to follow local guidance and check for places of interest outside of Western Australia,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

“Passengers flying to New Zealand from other Australian states will be required to complete pre-departure and arrival declarations advising whether they have been in Perth or Peel since 17 April, and whether they have visited any of the current locations of interest.”

On Saturday, 1000 passengers who arrived in New Zealand on direct flights from Perth on 19, 21 and 23 April were being contacted and provided with advice.  

“Of those, two people from the same household have let health authorities know they were in the Perth domestic terminal at the time specified in the locations of interest page,” the Ministry said.

“They are being treated as casual contacts and have both had their tests today, with results due this week.”

The Ministry said the risk to the public has been assessed to be ‘very low’. The pair remain in isolation until their test results are returned.

It said health authorities in both countries remain in contact and are closely monitoring the situation.

“The current risk to New Zealand has been assessed as low. Updates will be provided if there are any changes to the current risk assessment or advice.”

Information for anyone who is in New Zealand and has been in Perth or Peel since 17 April is on the locations of interest page on the Ministry of Health website, and on the Western Australia Department of Health site. 

Locations visited by confirmed COVID-19 cases ( 

If you have been to a location of interest you should stay at home, or in your accommodation, get a test, and contact Healthline 0800 358 5453.

All people who have been in Perth or Peel since 17 April should watch for symptoms and if symptoms develop they should stay home and get a test.

“As per our framework travel to the rest of Australia will continue. If you’re booked to travel between New Zealand and Western Australia in the next few days, check what you need to do with your airline,” the Ministry said. 

Meanwhile, the number of close and close plus contacts of the border worker who tested positive on Tuesday has increased to 39.

All 39 close contacts of this case have been contacted and are self-isolating, the Ministry of Health has confirmed.

“Of those 39 close contacts, 34 have returned negative tests to date with results still to come on the remainder.”

There are no new cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand today, and no new cases in managed isolation.

The seven-day rolling average of new cases detected at the border stands at one.

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