Monday, February 17, 2025

Transporting NZ ‘cautiously optimistic’ new PM will accelerate roads funding

Transporting New Zealand says it is “cautiously optimistic” the weekend’s election result will lead to increased spending on essential roading projects.

Transporting New Zealand interim chief executive, Dom Kalasih, said he was backing the transport-related parts of the National Party’s 100 Day Action Plan, which was released prior to the election.

“Highway infrastructure has been suffering from chronic under-investment, and every day we hear from road transport operators concerned by the poor state of New Zealand’s roads,” said Mr Kalasih.

“We support the creation of a National Infrastructure Agency and the need to build a resilient road network. Long-term, we also support a return to building more Roads of National Significance.

“Transporting New Zealand is also behind taking a pragmatic, evidence-based approach to setting speed limits around the country. Instead, we have seen a one-size-fits-all approach and this has led to nonsensical speed limits on safe, open roads.

“We also advocating for a better system of creating fair working conditions and supporting businesses, and believe the current Fair Pay Agreements Act doesn’t recognise that, so we’re also supportive of the plans to repeal this legislation,” he said.

Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand is the national membership association representing the road freight transport industry.

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