Sunday, September 8, 2024

Waipā councillor spot to remain vacant

Waipā District Council has announced it will not appoint a replacement for Maungatautari ward Councillor Elwyn Andree-Wiltens, who resigned last month.

Instead, the position will remain vacant until the upcoming October Council election, Council said in a statement.

“A by-election cannot be held because her three-year term ends in less than 12 months,” it said.

Andree-Wiltens resigned in late April following revelations of an unconsented sand quarry being operated by a company in which she is a shareholder.

This week it was confirmed that Mayor Jim Mylchreest would take Andrew-Wiltens’ role as Chair of the Maungatautari Reserve Committee.

“Deputy Mayor Liz Stolwyk or Councillor Mike Pettit will attend Cambridge Community Board meetings to offer additional support, but will not have voting rights as they were not elected to the Board. Speaking rights will be at the discretion of the Community Board Chair,” Council said.

Council appointed Councillors Clare St Pierre and Roger Gordon to replace Ms Andree-Wiltens on the Heritage Fund Advisory Sub-group with support from Councillor Bruce Thomas if required.

Other positions held by Andree-Wiltens will remain temporarily vacant, Council said.

Council has recommended to the independent Remuneration Authority that the remainder of Andree-Wilten’s $33,834 annual remuneration be divided among the Deputy Mayor and Councillors.

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