Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wildflower trial blooms for Christchurch

Christchurch residents can expect to see wildflowers blooming in local parks and reserves this spring, with a colourful trial soon to get underway.

Earlier this year, Christchurch City Council for community feedback on which green areas residents would like to see flourish with wildflowers.

“Following this feedback, we have prioritised the most requested parks and reserves for the trial to be expanded into,” Council said in a statement.

Manager of Community Parks, Al Hardy says the flowers will provide a pop of colour across the city, while also benefiting both the insects and the environment.

“We’re excited to expand this trial to Christchurch’s community parks, with three to four planting areas selected from each ward,” says Mr Hardy.

“Wildflowers provide habitat for pollinators and insects, offering food, shelter, and places for them to breed. There are benefits to the soil as well, improving its structure by increasing organic matter when the vegetation breaks down.

“Plus, by introducing wildflowers into our parks and reserves we can reduce our carbon footprint by decreasing our mowing requirements.”

He said the flowers will help to boost the region’s bee population, providing pollen-rich gathering grounds in different areas of the city.

The trial will include a variety of wildflower types, while swapping out a few species from previous years.

“We will continue with borage, alyssum, calendula and cornflowers, and we’ve swapped a few species to make it more appropriate for Christchurch’s climate. This mix will benefit all pollinators, including bees and butterflies.”

“If the success of this trial continues, we will retain the wildflowers in the lawn areas, resowing as required,” he said.

The programme will be rolling out this spring, and residents should start to notice the wildflowers germinating in their local areas in October.

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