Foreign Minister, Penny Wong will today welcome International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director, General Rafael Grossi, to Australia.
“Australia is a longstanding supporter of the IAEA’s mission to harness the peaceful use of nuclear technology in areas like medicine, industrial processes and environmental monitoring, as well as upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime,” said Ms Wong.
Australia’s commitment to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is unwavering, she said.
“I look forward to discussing with Mr Grossi the Australian Government’s open and transparent engagement with the IAEA on nuclear safeguards.”
The talks will include Australia’s approach for the acquisition of conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines under AUKUS, in which the Minister said Australia was committed to the highest possible non-proliferation standards.
“Mr Grossi and I will also discuss the challenging international security environment.”
Ms Wong said Australia supports the IAEA’s role in addressing proliferation risks in the DPRK and Iran and mitigating nuclear security risks created by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
In 2021-22, Australia provided the IAEA $31.5 million in core funding and an additional $5.2 million to assist its regional partners to safeguard healthy oceans, enhance women’s leadership in the nuclear field and support nuclear security in Ukraine.
Mr Grossi will also visit the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation to engage with Australian leaders in nuclear science and innovation.