Thursday, September 12, 2024

Young basketballers choose Lakers look for new court

Mangakino youngsters have voted for a LA Lakers-inspired colour scheme for the town’s soon-to-be-built basketball court.

Taupō District Council says planning for the project was “a true community affair” with local children voting for the vibrant purple and yellow colours to be used on the court.

Construction, which includes a basketball court, adjustable-height hoops, fencing, shelter, and seating, is expected to get underway on 3 April and be completed mid-year.

Community engagement advisor, Claire Dredge said more than 70 young people voted on the colour scheme.

“It’s these tamariki and rangatahi who are most looking forward to the basketball court, so we wanted to make sure they felt included in the planning. They were really enthusiastic about it when I visited them at the bus stop and the Mangakino Pool Party,” she said.

“Now, in a few months, they will have a community asset they can be really proud of and look after for years to come.”

Construction project manager, Chris Haskell said the court surface would be an innovative new sports turf designed specifically for basketball and netball.

“We thought hard about what surface we would use, balancing useability with affordability. We also took on board feedback from nearby residents regarding noise and light disturbance and have taken steps to ensure any disruption is minimised,” he said.

“The turf used will reduce slipping and injuries, deliver excellent bounce and traction, and reduce the noise by 30 to 32%. Plus, the adjustable-height hoops mean the court will be suitable for all ages.”

$100,000 was budgeted for the project in the 2021/22 Annual Plan, with a further $72,065 approved by councillors last year due to inflated build costs.

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