Saturday, February 8, 2025

$10million to feed Auckland recovery

The Government has committed a further $10 million to help Aucklanders access ongoing food and other essential items during lockdown, Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni announced today.

This latest tranche is targeted at the Auckland region, helping providers and organisations to distribute over 50,000 more food parcels, and 20,000 essential wellbeing packs.

“Our Government is focused on keeping New Zealanders safe from COVID-19. We’re committed to also ensuring people, whānau and communities are able to continue accessing the support they need, especially households who are self-isolating,” Ms Sepuloni said.

Since 17 August 2021, a total of $69.31 million in additional funding has been provided by Government agencies to support providers and organisations serving their communities.

“Our Government’s response so far has recognised the need for whānau-centred support, iwi-led responses for their local community, as well as support for Māori, Pacific and disabled communities.”

“In particular, the Pacific community in Auckland has been impacted by the current outbreak. They’ve made up over half of those having to self-isolate, resulting in entire support networks not being able to activate and mobilise.

“MSD has developed strong relationships and established an approach to working with and supporting Pacific social service providers across Auckland. This includes working with MSD-funded Community Connectors who are embedded with Pacific providers to support the broader Pacific workforce network.”

She said the funding aimed to support them and provide continuity through what was a challenging time for the community.

“The rapid public health response required to contain the spread of the Delta Variant of COVID-19 has highlighted the need to ensure an equally rapid welfare response.”

“The Ministry for Social Development will continue to work with key agencies across the system to ensure that support is coordinated and targeted to areas and populations with the greatest need.

“We’re committed to making sure our response to COVID-19 is rapid, coordinated and efficient, and ensuring people and our communities aren’t carrying the burden of lockdown alone,” the Minister said.

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