Tasman District Council chief executive, Janine Dowding will lead a review into the Future for Local Government, Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs announced today.
Department Deputy Chief Executive, Michael Lovett said Ms Dowding (pictured) had the experience and background to lead the review and help position New Zealand for the future.
“Over the next 30 years, New Zealand will change a great deal,” says Mr Lovett.
“The country will have a larger, more diverse population and technology will change the way we live and work. Climate change will require us to adapt and reshape our economy and lives. The Tiriti o Waitangi partnership will move into a new phase with an increasing focus on enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.
“These changes will bring new challenges and opportunities to local governance. This Review is an opportunity to create a new system of local governance and democracy that will effectively respond to a changing New Zealand and create conditions for communities to thrive.
“I look forward to Janine joining the team.”
Ms Dowding will join the Review into the Future Local Government as its Executive Director on 14 March, on secondment from her current role with Tasman District Council.
While the Review is independent, support is provided by the Department of Internal Affairs in its role to ensure New Zealand is a well-functioning democracy.
The Review into the Future for Local Government is considering:
- The functions, roles and structures of local government;
- Relationships between local Government, central government, iwi, Mâori, businesses, communities and other organisations;
- Necessary changes for local government to most effectively reflect and respond to their communities;
- The embodiment of Te Tiriti o Waitangi;
- Funding arrangements for local government.