Saturday, February 15, 2025

Haumoana residents re-evacuated overnight

The residents from around 90 homes in Haumoana who had opted to stay or returned through an earlier Police cordon were re-evacuated overnight due to continuing coastal inundation.

The decision to re-evacuate the residents was made with Police and FENZ staff and based on technical advice from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. 

“Two families and around 30 RSE workers made their way to the Haumoana School Hall where they were registered and settled in for the night. They have since left the centre this morning. Haumoana School remains closed today and is available for the community,” Hastings District Council said in a statement.

The Council says some risk of flooding remains, with the next high tide due around 9.15 this morning, after which time, Council will continue with remedial work on the sea crest. 

Evacuations are also underway for parts of Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay today as wild weather continues to lash the region. 

The State of Emergency remains in place.

Hastings Mayor, Sandra Hazlehurst said the Council was grateful for the announcement by Minister Mark Mitchell of an initial $100,000 for the Mayoral Relief fund yesterday.

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