Monday, January 13, 2025

Teachers agree to 14.5% pay rise

Education Minister, Jan Tinetti, today welcomed the news that Post Primary Teachers Association’s (PPTA) members have accepted the Governments offer of a 14.5% pay rise.

Ms Tinetti said teachers at the top of their pay scale will see an increase of $27,000 or 36% by the end of next year.

“The Chris Hipkins Government values teachers, which is why in very tight fiscal conditions we have prioritised improvements to their pay and conditions,” she said.

“This is one of the most significant pay increases New Zealand secondary teachers have ever received.”

Soon, 30,000 secondary teachers will receive the first of three pay boosts scheduled between now and the end of 2024.

“Beginning secondary teachers will receive an increase of almost $10,000 to their base pay by the end of 2024. Most teachers will also receive a lump sum payment of over $7,000,” the Minister said.

“Experienced secondary teachers on the top scale will receive an increase of over $13,000, to their base pay and by the end of next year will earn $103,00 before allowances.

“As a result of this settlement 67% of secondary teachers in New Zealand will earn a base salary of more than $100,000 a year, making teaching the well-paid job it should be.

“These increases recognise the great work that secondary teachers do, day in and day out, with their students and their whānau, and in their communities.

“To deliver high quality teaching, we need to attract and retain highly skilled teachers. These increases will help attract, and keep, the teachers we need.”

Funding for the deal comes from $3.76 billion already set aside for a settlement, plus around $374 million in the Education budget, as well as around $306 million from the Education Budget’s 2024 cost pressure allowance, the Minister confirmed.

“In the end, Cabinet agreed to support a settlement that was fair and responsible. I am so delighted that we were all able to agree a deal for all our secondary teachers and their students.”

“I thank the Arbitration Panel, the PPTA and the Ministry of Education, whose hard work has finally brought about a settlement,” she said.

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