Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Budget delivery date announced

Finance Minister, Nicola Willis says the Government’s plan to deliver tax relief to hard-working New Zealanders, rebuild business confidence and restore the Crown’s finances to order will be unveiled on 30 May.

The plans will be announced in the Budget, which is currently being developed by Ministers, said Ms Willis.

“The last government’s mismanagement of the economy and the Crown’s finances has left a legacy of high inflation, reduced spending power for New Zealanders and wasteful expenditure,” she said.

“This coalition Government is focusing on putting more money in people’s pockets, delivering better value for public money and enabling private enterprise. 

“Undoing the damage done by Labour will take time, but New Zealanders can be confident that the country is now on the right track.” 

The Government’s Budget priorities will be set out in the Budget Policy Statement which will be delivered on 27 March. 

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