Sunday, February 9, 2025

Gisborne pontoon works ramp up

The left-hand side of Gisborne’s Inner Harbour boat ramp pontoon will be reinstalled as soon as possible, Gisborne District Council has announced.

The harbour pontoon broke apart at both sides in May during heavy swells.

Council Director Liveable Communities, Michele Frey says a recent meeting between members of Gisborne’sĀ boating community and the contractor who installed the pontoon was a chance for all to understand how the pontoon broke and how to move forward.

ā€œBoth parties are keen to collaborate to develop immediate, medium, and long-term solutions,” she said.

Ms Frey says immediate actions included the repair of the gangway and the reinstallation of the left-hand side pontoon.

Deciding on the design for the right-hand side of the pontoon will take a bit longer, she says.

ā€œIn the meantime, Council will install signage to caution people about the risks of accessing the pontoon ā€˜islandā€™ thatā€™s still on the left-hand side.ā€

She said a pressure recorder device will be installed in the water to gather information on what options are best suited to the right-hand side of the ramp.

ā€œWe will meet again in two weeks to provide the boating community with an update.ā€

Ms Frey says a strategic approach is needed for all recreational craft water users in the long-term.

ā€œThis will require a broad partnership approach and funding opportunity,” she said.

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