Saturday, February 15, 2025

Hamilton boosts all-day parking spots

Five new $6 all-day paid parking locations are being introduced by Hamilton City Council on sections of Tainui Street, Hill Street, Victoria Street, and Ruakiwi Road today.

Expanding all-day paid parking zones is part of the Council’s current Long-Term Plan (2021-31) to help meet the increasing demand from those who are travelling to work or spending long periods of time in the central city.

Locations are selected based on where parking occupancy is either low or very high, and enables more efficient use of on-street parking, the Council said in a statement.

The parking changes will be identified with signs and road markings. Temporary corflute signage and pavement decals will also be in place, and Council’s Parking Enforcement Officers will be handing out flyers to inform road users parking in these spaces of the changes.

Council’s City Transport Unit Director, Gordon Naidoo said Hamilton was growing rapidly, and the demand for parking in the central city was increasing.

“As New Zealand’s fastest growing city, we need to make sure the central city is set up to support the increase of people coming in to work, shop, or dine,” said Mr Naidoo.

“We’re providing more all-day parking options for commuters, and making sure the central city is easy to access and safe to get around.”

All-day paid parking is a flat rate of $6 and applies between Monday and Friday, from 8am to 5pm. Payment is made with the PayMyPark app.

Two-hours free parking does not apply in all-day paid parking areas.

The parking changes do not pre-empt any decision making around the central city’s two-hour free parking. This will be decided upon during the Long-Term Plan process, Council confirmed.

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