Tuesday, February 11, 2025

New Hamilton plan breaks down daily cost of city living

Hamilton City Council is breaking down what it costs to run and maintain the city as it prepares to open the pages of its draft 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan.

The Council says it costs $5.60 per resident, per day to run the city – the figure covers everyday operating costs, like making sure rubbish and recycling is collected, maintaining roads and footpaths, and keeping taps running and toilets flushing.

It says the figure is based on operating costs from the 2022-23 annual report and Hamilton’s estimated population (185,300 people in 2023).

“Diving deeper, Council has shown what Hamiltonians get for that figure in a year – 22 billion litres of clean drinking water, 10 million m2 of green space maintained, and nearly 30 million kg of rubbish and recycling collected to name a few services,” Council said in a statement.

“The cost to run a city is rising, and the challenge Hamilton faces is not unique. Inflation, interest rate hikes, growth and depreciation all contribute to the rising costs to deliver services and maintain our city’s assets.”

Using estimates for 2024/25 in the draft Long-Term Plan, it’s projected that the cost of running the city will jump to $6.80, per resident, per day, for the same services and accommodate for Hamilton’s growth, the Council says.

Consultation on the draft Long-Term Plan opens on 19 March, when Hamiltonians will be asked to give feedback, including whether they support reducing Council services to achieve some personnel savings.

Council Chief Executive, Lance Vervoort said it was important to understand how much these essential services cost, and how critical they are to a functioning city.

“We want Hamiltonians to know what their Council does, and what it costs. It’s the bread and butter of a liveable city – fixing potholes, mowing sports fields, collecting rubbish and providing water.”

“We hope this will inform people as they sit down to read over our Long-Term Plan Consultation Document,” said Mr Vervoort.

He said Council had already introduced initiatives to save $7 million in personnel costs and was proposing to trim its capital programme.

“The reality is that more people are deciding to call Hamilton home,” Vervoort said.

“And we need to make sure we can meet the costs of running a growing city, while maintaining what we have and providing essential services.”

Consultation with the community on the draft Long-Term Plan will take place from 19 March to 21 April.

Visit hamilton.govt.nz/futurehamilton to view the Consultation Document and have your say from 19 March 2024. 

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